Please follow the below instruction to terminate free trial subscription.
Termination process is completed through the WRESTLE UNIVERSE website.
If you are using any version older than iOS16.0, app version 1.4.0, the process is now also available through WRESTLE UNIVERSE app.
[How to terminate through website]
[How to proceed from the app (iOS16.0 or higher, app version 1.4.0 to 2.2.0)]
[How to proceed through in-app purchases (Apple)]
[How to proceed through in-app purchases (Google)]
[How to terminate trial subscription]
[How to terminate through website]
2.Go to [Menu] and click on [My Page].
3.Click on [Service plan details].
4.Click on red [Manage renewals].
5.Click on [To procedures to end the free trial].
6.Click on [Terminate renewals] placed at the bottom of the page.
[How to proceed from the app (iOS16.0 or higher, app version 1.4.0 to 2.2.0)]
1.Open the app and go to [MY PAGE] tab and tap on [Service plan details].
2.Tap on [MANAGE ACCOUNT] placed under the [Next renewal date] section.
3.Tap on the link shown.
4.Once the App Store screen pops up, tap on [continue], and it will take you to the WRESTLE UNIVERSE website.
*When logging in to WRESTLE UNIVERSE, please make sure you are logging in to the account you wish to terminate.
5.Once logged in, under [Account management] page, tap on red [Manage renewals].
6.Tap on [To procedures to end the free trial].
7.Tap on [Terminate renewals] placed at the bottom of the page.
Trial subscription termination completed.
Once the termination process is completed, a mail from ”” will be sent to assure the determination is completed.
[How to proceed through in-app purchases (Apple)]
It is not possible to cancel your subscription from the web version or the app version of our service.
Please cancel from the Apple Store subscriptions via the link below.
For information on how to cancel your Apple subscription, please also refer to the Apple Support page.
If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple
[How to proceed through in-app purchases (Google)]
It is not possible to cancel your subscription from the web version or the app version of our service.
Please cancel from Google Play's Payments and Subscriptions via the link below.
Google Play - Payments and Subscriptions
For information on how to cancel your Google Play subscription, please also refer to the Google Play Help page.
Cancel, pause, or change a subscription on Google Play
No fees will be charged if the trial was terminated before the termination period. The termination period is 7days from the trial subscription starting date.
Please be reminded that trial termination procedure could take time depending on your internet connection status. Terminating trial at the last minute of the termination period could cause you to exceed the trial period while the termination procedure is still not completed.
Even if the trial period is not finished, trial subscription features will be terminated as soon as the procedure is completed.
*How to unsubscribe from your UNIVERSE Membership